Troop 129

Merit Badge Class Follow-up

On Saturday, July 31, Mr. Jim Towhey and Mr. Jim Carey led two merit badge classes for Emergency Preparedness and Environmental Science. They reported having excellent participation, with nearly a dozen Scouts in attendance. One Scout was even able to complete his Environmental Science badge, since he previously had finished most of the requirements.

Mr. Towhey and Mr. Carey wanted to share a few follow-ups for the Scouts who attended the class.

  • Many of the requirements for both badges must be completed by the Scouts at home, often with the help of their parents. In follow-up, the “two Jims” encourage all parents to please support their sons to diligently complete their badge requirements.
  • When they finish something, Scouts should see Mr. Towhey or Mr. Carey during a Troop meeting to get it signed off on their “blue card.”
  • Scouts — and their parents — should read the requirement instructions for both badges very carefully. Some requirements may be easy to misunderstand.
    • For the Environmental Science badge, Mr. Carey suggests Scouts and parents be especially careful when reading the instructions for completely Environmental Science requirement #3. For that requirement, Scouts first need to select 7 out of 8 possible categories to complete. These 8 categories include 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, 3g, and 3h.  Within each selected category, the Scouts next selects 1 of 3 possible activities. For example, if a Scout selects 3c (water pollution) as one of his 7 categories, he will pick activity 1, 2, OR 3 listed under category 3c. In other words, he does not need to do activities 1, 2, AND 3.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Towhey or Mr. Carey.