Pay Online

If you have a PayPal account, you can conveniently pay for activities and dues online. As of 9/1/2022, we are now using the Cherokee Trail & Campsites (our charter organization) PayPal account for online transactions.

There are a few ways to access the PayPal account.

  1. Search for @CherokeeTrail when you send money inside PayPal.
  2. Link to their page directly using [].
  3. Scan the QR code below.
Scan the QR code above to access the Cherokee Trail & Campsites PayPal account.

NOTE: The page will look a bit different for each of the methods noted above. All of them should say Cherokee Trail & Campsites Inc.

If you prefer, you can always access the Cherokee Trail website and use the Payments for Units link in the top navigation of the site. That page can also be accessed via this link [].

Please make sure to include the following information before you send money:

  • Boy’s Troop
  • Scout Name
  • Purpose of Payment (ex. “Dues”, “September Campout”, etc)

NOTE: “Goods and Services” will be selected by default and can not be changed. For the time being, the Troop will absorb any PayPal transaction fees for small transactions (ex. dues & money for campouts). This may change in the future or need to be evaluated for larger payments (ex. High Adventure payments).